Monday, 24 October 2011

Going large

I've finished one sleeve of my lovely lacy Niobe sweater...then I put it aside for a bit to try to finish a pair of lace socks I'm working on on itty bitty needles. After a few rounds of things really not adding up, I realised I'd mis-remembered the pattern and was basically screwing it up. Ripping out an inch of fiddly lace on tiny needles is somehow more heartbreaking than on a big sweater...maybe it's just me.

Anyhow I decided to take a detour inspired by some brightly coloured and not-so-expensive yarn I came across at Michael's. I'd forgotten how fast knitting can be on giant needles with yarn as thick as a pencil! I'm loving the results.

I threw together this chunky scarf, which will be a gift:

I also quickly ran up a blue one for my son who said he liked it.

Now on a chunky roll, I grabbed some violet wool I'd had my eye on for a while which was very inexpensive and on special offer:
And cast on to create one of these for myself:

Wrenna, from French Girl Knits
My first attempt at knitting in one piece from the top down. Don't worry, I'll get back to those fiddly lace socks and lovely fluffy Niobe sweater. But for now I'm really enjoying the instant gratification of chunky projects I can finish in a few hours!


  1. I love knitting top down sweaters AND chunky yarn!

  2. I love the combination of the violet with that bottom pattern, will look lovely when it's done! :)


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